Revealing even more secret sights of Athens

Although we covered a number of lesser-known Athens attractions in our two previous articles (Revealing the secret sights of Athens and Revealing more secret sights of Athens), the diversity of the city never ceases to astound us, and exploring its streets and neighbourhoods is a never-ending adventure. In our most recent piece, we showcase 7…

Revealing more secret sights of Athens

The only people who ever get anyplace interesting are the people who get lost Henry David Thoreau After the impressive and warm reception of our first article about the secret sights of Athens, the team searched again and identified seven new places in the city, unknown to most visitors and locals. We believe that the result…

Revealing the secret sights of Athens

Athens is a popular tourist destination with many important sights of universal significance. In this article we are presenting 7 sights that are relatively unknown to the public and remain almost secret, although they are inextricably linked to the history of the city. Temple of Artemis Agrotera & The shadow of the old lady (Ναός…